So yeah, to continue the Harry Potter thing, I finished the book last night in one sitting. I decided to sleep on it before writing this though to be honest even after finishing it, reading a couple of the interviews and going over a few of the posts other people made on what they thought I'm still not sure what I think of this book. Hmm... However, I do have a few things:
So on the whole I felt that the book was rushed. That it needed another good once over before it was published. There were places that felt too slow and the chaos at the end I think was just too much and could've been done better. The whole end felt too rushed to me, and things just didn't quiet connect. Which could’ve been on purpose I suppose--chaos/war ect.--but it didn't work for me.
I liked the stuff with Snape and Albus (and his brother) that was interesting and well played out through the book. However, I think that in parts it was almost too much especially the obsession with Albus's past. I understand why it was there and the reasons behind it however, I feel that some places that became the focus of the story and not the actual current events that were going on.
Mr. Longbottom, all I can say on that account was wow he grew up and he grew up cool. And in a way they both for filled the prophesy jointly which was interesting. Hmmmm yeah. Now the stuff that just didn't really work.
- The whole Lupin/Tonk's baby thing. Obvious that it was coming, but the book would've been almost better without it. Harry yelling at Lupin was fun, but none of it really went anywhere and it just wasn't well done on the whole. Lupin/Tonks dying, again obvious that, that was coming, yeah repetition.
- Fred died. That was just not cool at all and where was George the whole time? I can't seen them really getting separated despite the chaos at the end of the book.
- Epilogue, Teddy Lupin was not living with Harry Potter? That just seems completely way off to me. After everything with Sirius, I can't seem Harry not insisting that Teddy live with him being his Godfather and all. I read one of Rowling's interviews on the subject of the epilogue I guess she achieved what she was going for with that however I would've liked something a little more resolved. And the whole Teddy Lupin thing just bothers me. :)
Okay I guess that's my thoughts on the book as they stand at the moment. All in all it wasn't bad and I liked parts of it and disliked parts of it. But as a whole, I think that it could've been done better. I'm done, moving on. :) *poofs out*