Today is Sunday, Sunday is a good day for writing. Especially after my family heads off to church I get the house to myself. It’s very nice I like Sunday mornings. Lots of loud music and time to myself to do what I want to do.
Oh Yeah Happy International Day of Slash! I believe that is today anyway.
The Lasagna turned out good. My hair has more black in it again as the old was starting to grow out. It was nice to re do it since I could while attached to 4Wind's. I missed it.
I started reading
Ransom by Lee Rowan, last night. This is a book I've been looking at for a while and avoided picking up/buying for a while out of fear of just what it would be like. So far, I'm not impressed.
It reads like a decent but not greatly written fanfic. There is no build up to the plot everything is just thrown in, in the first thirty pages. Oh, we're here, our ship needs to be repaired, oh, we're going out for dinner, oh, no, we've been kidnapped but we're not going to panic. Oh, of course, there was a report about pirates kidnapping gentlemen, I remember seeing that now. But I never thought they'd kidnap members of his majesties royal navy, after all we protect these waters. Whatever would it be like without us?
Oh no, I'm not from a rich family no ones going to pay an outrageous sum of 500pounds to free me! Oh, captain! Capitan of course I'll get my family to free you both my Lit's, they're good boys who will make fine officers one day! Oh, oh no if I don't do what the bad Adian pirate with a mask says he might hurt me but no he'll hurt my officers! Oh, god I wonder what he'll do to them. *sniggers*
On one hands it's kinda fun on the other hand it's completely and horribly annoying. I got through about 40 pages of it last night. While it's not great, it's a fairly quick read.
The one thing that is bothering me the most however is I swear the author keeps mixing up names. Instead of using just first or last names, she/he keeps switching. And there are times where I really really think she/he uses the wrong name instead of the one they meant to use. Which makes it confusing to try and figure out just what the hell they meant to say. Everything's very flat, and needlessly complex in some ways that are not well explained.
For example the kidnapping, it's self. A man dressed as an on shore officer comes into the establishment where they are eating dinner, and tells them the admiral would like his report right away there is a carriage waiting. They all climb in, carriage then gets locked of course and they can't get out. Carriage is driven to an old building, all ordered out of course fight ensues, and they end up loosing. They all wake up in a rocking wagon then they get stuff in barrels and sent to the ship. Okay it all makes sense but it's all just glossed over with nothing specific detail ones nothing to make it real. It's just there. Hmmm apple barrels would smell like apples, what did they see when they got out of the carriage for the first time in ages. They smell the sea but the sea is never mentioned by sight. They had to be near the sea, or a town or a dock at least because they are take out on a boat, and loaded off a dock onto a boat.
Hmmm okay, I think I'm going to stop going on about the book now. *laughs* Maybe it'll get better or at least I'll get pulled along with the store more it seems to be moving fast which could get me through it despite the other issues I'm having. ^_^: God's, one of the many reasons I stop reading fan fiction.
I think I'm going to read this book as my workbook though since I finished Tantalize. He/She's got the next one out that comes after this one as well so I could pick it up after I finish this one. Oh right this book
Chronicles of Faerie: The Summer King by O. R. Melling. I read the first on when it came out a couple of years ago. It was decent though a little more juvenile then adult. So we'll see how this one turns out. It was however well written and had a number of good quirks in it that made it worth the read. And I love the shinny covers on the books. :) I be dork. Yes, yes. *poofs out*