Alright so I've resisted the temptation to post one of these for the past few days so I'm letting myself post one now. *chuckles* I didn't get as much done today as I wanted to in terms of this. I've done more then I ever really thought I would when I decided to start this though. It's not as hard as I thought it would be. *contemplates that*
37,426 / 50,000
However I did manage to get just about everything else done and I did something so it's not a total waste. And so tomorrow isn't a total waste either I'm going to go to bed now since I last night's sleeping didn't go so well and hopefully this way I'll be half way awake tomorrow. *shrugs* It's worth a try at least I guess, whether it will work or not I don't know. But at least I don't have to go to class on Wednesday this week. *cheers* I'm very rambly today, I'm going to shut up now or I'll just keep going for who knows how long. *poofs out*