Oct 18, 2004 01:54
so i had a thought last night at a point when i was too busy to try and make it poetic...then later when i was too drunk to make it poetic. Anyway, I shared it with John, and now I'm sharing it with the rest of y'all. Whenever the world has turned it's back on you, and you think that you have no friends, whenever your hurt or feeling down; you can always turn to your best friend...an old friend which comes in a bottle. Whether it's whiskey, tequila, vodka, rum, or everclear. It will always be there for you, it will rarely, if ever, let you down, and will hardly ever break your heart. It will kill your head and make you worship the porcelain god sometimes. Anyway, I thought it was funny and true...y'all respond. Oh, yeah...the mood and music apply to last night.