These thingys..

Jun 08, 2004 12:48

a p p e a r a n c e
hair color: Dirty Blonde
skin color: white
eye color: blue
piercings: none
tattoos: none

r i g h t n o w
what color pants are you wearing?: just put on some blue jeans
what are you listening to? In My place - Cold Play
what taste is in your mouth?: oreo cookies (mint)
what's the weather like?: sunny
how are you?: good and bored, you can tell im bored because Im doing this thing...
have a bad habit?: I use my stomach as the drums when I get bored or nervous
get along with your parents?: usually

f a v o r i t e s
tv show: family guy and south park
conditioner: Suave.. The citrus fruit kind :)
book: Artemis Fowl
non alcoholic drink: chocolate milk
alcoholic drink: Budweiser

h a v e y o u
broken the law: yes, I have had the cops called on me twice

ran away from home: yes
ever gone skinny dipping: yeah
made a prank phone call: lots
tipped over a porta potty: yes, the one at central park
used your parents' credit card before: nope
skipped school before: yes
fell asleep in the shower/bath: no, but that wpuld suck
been in a school play: only the required ones in elementary school

l o v e
boyfriend/girlfriend: not now
sexuality: i am hetrosexual
children: hell yeah
current crush: nobody
been in love: yes
had a hard time getting over someone: of course
your greatest regret: i donno this is a hard one
gone out with someone you only knew for three days: yeah

r a n d o m
do you have job: not yet
if you were a crayon what color would you be?: orange
what makes you happy: nice people
who makes you happiest: donno
what's the next cd you're gonna get?: whatever I see that I like

w h e n / w h a t w a s t h e l a s t
time you cried: when my grandma died :(
you got a real letter: A while ago
thing you purchased: new bearings and a chocolate milkshake
tv program you watched: Pimp my ride
movie you saw in the theater: shrek 2

y o u r t h o u g h t s o n
abortion: Let them Burn! I mean the people who do the abortion of course..
teenage smoking: people who wanna die at 65 are retarded, or somthing around that age
dreams: dont care
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