Apr 14, 2005 17:41
People are hiding behind their Veils of Asshole-ness and everyone seems to want to take out there pathetic attitudes on me. What did I do to piss people off? Is It because I know how to have fun and people are jealous. Or is it the group mentality where if one person doesn't like me, we should all follow along because if we are nice to him they might not like me as well. Well people its time to realize that the people who have to live behind the wall of group ignorance is eventually going to be pushed away because people are going to realize that shit is immature and a waste of time to put your efforts into and the people that don't realize this are going to just have to hang out with little kids all their lives, and not the little kids that have any self confidence and strength to be successful. Well until people I know can not realize this i am just gonna shun you out of my life, until it sinks in and can live a life with your own personality and awareness of the people around you.
P.S. Farewell to those who are pathetic and little in the eyes of the wise, great, and Oh, Yeah Fun.