Oct 24, 2004 20:49
It's hard getting used to working only one job. I still find myself out of whack in the middle of the week because i got so used to only working the one job on the weekends. So i could go to work on a thurdsday and without even a seconed thought i'll think that it's sunday. Things are going well and i'm adjusting to working up at the customer service desk. People are wack i tell you!! There's to much meth here in spokane and too many poeople do it! Still don't get to see John much even tho that was the point of me quiting at Qdoba. Because he opens at Comp and i usually close and freds it's still almost the same as it was before except for when he has a day off.
Thursday some kid came into the store and put up on the desk an old beat up disposable camera and asked if he could return it. I laughed and told him no, i told him i said no because he didn't have a case or a recipt. He then asked me if he could return two free AOL cd's and then i laughed at him more and told him no agian. I should have told him sure and then taken them and thrown them away. He seemed upset and then i'm sure felt stupid after he asked why he couldn't return them and i told him because they were free. Poor kid was so (high im sure) that he said "oh they are?" and turned around and left.
Went to the park today and watched some friends play football. We BBQ hamburgers and hot dogs it was awsome and it would have been cooler if i had taken a camera but i forgot it. Emma and Kahla are two of the cutest kids ever. There would have been some great photo opp's. John left work at 3 to come join us but i left my cell phone in the car and missed his calls. Made me feel like shit because i would have liked for him to be there.