Aug 21, 2004 10:01
Well... today has officially started out terribly!!! I was supposed to go work at the studio, but that's not happening, and o yeah, my parents conveniently left me home to babysit my lil sister while my dad took my brother fishing and my mom went to her friends house to "work"! On top of that I'm grounded because my boyfriend came over when my mom wasn't home and I'm sooo bored!!
I really wish that was all that's going on too, but to further complicate my life, my friend is mad at me because I don't feel what he feels!!!! What am I supposed to do??? I have a great boyfriend and I love him to death, so I'm not willing to let him go... not for anyone!!! I wish people could just understand that no matter how far away Paul is from me, I'm not going to look for someone else to make not seeing him easier!!
Then there's school, which is full of confusion, and oh yea, MORE drama!!! My classes kinda suck... except Acting cuz I have Chris, Kyle, Shortie, and Schylur to keep me company!! You guys rock!!
I guess the only thing that I know for sure is my best friend, Brittani, is there for me which is awesome!! I love her!! We need to hang out!! I'll be back at dance soon and ungrounded sooner... I hope!! And I know that me and Paul are going strong.. let's hope that doesn't change!! These 2 are the ones who keep me sane!! I need them!!! Where are they when you just need to talk, or scream?!?!
So, yea, let's all hope my day get a lil better, or I might seriously contemplate jumping off the top floor of a very tall building!!!