Jan 20, 2010 02:09
Mum babysat Liam for a few hours this afternoon. Sister-in-law said that when they turned onto the main road to our place, Liam started saying, "Kasey Kasey Pa Pa" :)
He knows his Kasey is the one to go to. He'll go and grab mum's dress and try to climb. He's such a cuddly kid, whereas Lara has always been more standoffish.
He often walks around with his hands clasped behind his back. Brother said they call him 'The General', inspecting the troops.
Lara started preschool a couple of weeks ago. She loves it. S-i-l asked mum whether she thought Lara would be a leader or quiet at preschool. Mum said definitely a leader. She's a little bossy boots (classic first child!) :) She's taken charge. The teacher said that the other queen bee is away at the moment, but they'll either be enemies or best friends. And if it's best friends, god help them all ;)
lara kate