
Aug 08, 2006 01:05

Is agnostic classed as a religion? At the moment I'm just going down as no religion. And the occupation questions were a little annoying. I've put down my official job title, "Operations Assistant"...does that even mean anything? I guess I'm in admin, but only partly.

Not happy with the census deliverers. My brother still hasn't got his. He called on Saturday (or maybe Friday), they said they hadn't done his area yet. He called when he got home after work today, and they said they'd have someone there tonight, and if they hadn't come by 8pm, call back. No one arrived, he called at 8pm...the phone line closes at 8pm. He'll be calling them tomorrow to give them a blast. And to tell them just to give him a bloody identification number and he'll do it on the net.

How many other people haven't got their forms? He is a shift worker, but he was home Wed-Sat. They don't seem to have left enough time to get the forms out.

My brother now has someone who is thrilled to see him when he comes home. Wee Jock (anyone remember the BBC show Hamish MacBeth with Robert Carlyle?) is a young cockatiel. He climbs onto his shoulder, throws seed, bops along to music, and is startled when he bumps his crest.

His evil pose:

misc, budgies

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