Heyya guys sorry this is hort but i have just wrote me other fic. Check it out here chapter 2:
http://krazykirstie.livejournal.com/10832.htmlAnyway this is dedicated to my commenter: demetriaross, ninny_86, sophieforever2, and willow59. Have a read if you like and comment is you want haha.
Description: Sophie and Sian have been missing for 15 years and have been living in a village called Farley. Kevin and Sally managed to get back together and raised Jack who is 15 and is secretly gay but Sian is the only one who knows. Rosie married Jason but is up to her old tricks...
Life Must Go On: Chapter 16
Sophies P.O.V
Yesterday was Thrusday, today it is Friday. Actual no take that back i dont want to sound like that song FRIDAY! By Rebecca Black, you know she has 54 million views on youtube for shit singing and the worst lyrics ever. Like who sings about where to sit in a car THERE WAS ONY ONE SEAT LEFT! Anyway going of track. So yes today is friday last day in weatherfield. Actually hasnt been as bad as i thought, you know if someone told me last month that my parents would of found me and i visited weatherfield i would of said. Stick your future where the sun dont shine mate. Rosie arrived back this morning smile plastered on both her and Jasons face they havent stopped beaming or gone home yet! They are currently sat in the living watching mum and dads TV. I am pretty sure they have a home of there own! Also Jack this week hasnt said one bad word to me or Sian not since the Alton Towers incidence. Actually i havent seen him much always up in his room with this lad. But whatever guess me and Sian were like that.
Yeah so me and Sian are currently packing up on this Friday afternoon while people are at work or at school. Were not leaving without saying goodbye obviously we will wait till they get home, its just easier if we put our bags in the boot now so we can just get up and drive after we said laters losers. Anyway we only gotta wait 10 mins till evryone arrives home including Jack and most likely his friend again. I think his name was Tom. I walk from the car back to the house tapping Sian on the way telling her i going inside. Yeah i was leaving her outside talking to Norris, wasnt even gonna get into that convosation.
Sians P.O.V
"And thats how i got 50% discount on my new shoes" Norris explained to me! Seriously kill me now, this man can talk for england its unreal!! "Anyway back to the reason why i came over here" So there was a reason the old git hobbled over to me. I fold my arms and look down at the hunched over man. "The man who served me at the shoe shop was your dad Vinnie Powers. I knew it was him because i can remember him shouting at you here when you were with Ryan." WAIT WAIT WAIT! Back up he said my dad. I cnat believe all teh time i have been back i havent thought about him once. I cant say anything i am too speachless but i dont think Norris notice's as he just carries on. "Yeah so i told him you were back and he is coming round at" He looks at his watch. "actually 10 mins" WHAT OH MY GOD! No this cant be happening, what a dick Norris nooo. I dont even say goodbye to Norris as i run back in the house crying...