Friendly neighborhood crack head..

Feb 09, 2004 20:06

For fuck's sake.. I was napping in the living room..enjoying myself actually.. Brenda, Adam and Jason went down to the auto shop to collect Jason's car.. again I was enjoying my sleep.. I awoke to this fucking annoying knocking at the sliding glass door.. In a haze I look up to see this fuckhead who upon realizing that I'm now awake..opens the goddamn door to the apartment.. I jump up and tell him to get the fuck out of the apartment..he says in this whining pathetic voice how he needs a lighter. I tell him that there is no lighter now get the fuck out. I advance on his dumb ass as he pleads further imploring him in the nicest possible way to..get the flying fuck from my home. He whines I need some matches then.. there happen to be matches by the door, I throw these at him and shove him out the fucking door. ... Well now I'm awake. Now I'm making some coffee.. And fuckhead enters the apartment again! Yahoo! This time I shout something about how I'm going to fucking kill him, and he runs away like a rabbit in heat. (We have a rabbit in our freezer by the by) (ahem that's another story all together though) Of course because of this fuckhead not one or two but all five fucking cats bolted out the door.. Outside I asked running boy by addressing him as crackhead and asked him to help me get the cats back inside, he didn't seem to want to help out..bastard.. But all the cats are returned home now.. grrrr... I hate tweakers.. And fuck was this guy lit like a strobe light. That's my exciting story of the day.. Tommorroow, I start at the bookstore..
Any ideas on ghetto security..cuz' obviously mr fuckhead was casing the place to steal things for meth.. ???
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