2006 Year in Review

Dec 19, 2006 00:09

To do this meme, go back in your archives and post the first sentence in the first entry for each month.
LJ Year in Review:

January: had a decent new years eve, hung out with my bro, emily, megan, and some of her family I believe it was.

February: I have to say tonight was a good night, partied it up with some of my fellow IDers.

March: Never really payed attention to the lyrics of this song, but was looking up lyrics to random songs recently and stumbled onto these ones.

April: Such a lonely day
And it's mine
The most loneliest day of my life

May: This journal entry is brought to you by the letter "M" and the number 10

June: (guess I didn’t post for the whole month, cause there’s nothing there, wow I must have been busy with camp)

July: Well, I guess it's about time I update.

August: Well I'm back in Indy for a limited time only.

September: yeah, yeah, yeah, I know it's not an actual update, but whatever.

October: How to make a krazykarl8484

November: Body: Choose a band/artist and answer ONLY IN SONG TITLES by that band (you pick your own band or artist, dont use the same one as the person who did this before you)

December: took a little online quiz about which of the "5 languages of love" is mine. So, here's the results and here's the link if anyone else wants to take it
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