I always like it when things work out and intertwine nicely. If you notice, that's usually how my blog entries work. I'll make an opening statement of sorts, segue into a reflection of recent events, and then tie it all together to my initial statement. It's nice, neat, and makes the whole thing seem more intellectually stimulating.
Lately life has been doing a lot of that for me, and it's kind of weird. Like tonight for instance when I was killing time after my parents had gone to bed, by checking my usual blogs and such online while talking to friends who I wish I could see in person at the moment face to face. I had been talking to two different people and because both separate conversations had one element in common, me, parts of the conversations merged as they often do. I was talking to them about how I wanted to know where I'm going to be stationed, and when I'm going to be going. I started paying less and less attention to the TV and eventually just put it on mute and just watched things on my computer while I let my mind bounce elsewhere.
I've been thinking a lot about big picture things lately. This is a common occurrence when I'm home by myself. Maybe I've just been watching too much Heroes on DVD (my personal favorite xmas gift this year) but I've been thinking that we're made to do much more for the world than single individuals usually do in their lifetimes. I've just been wanting to devise a plan to make big changes within the world, and how to be that type of person, and that maybe if I start doing things right then I'll be able to gain some sort of superpower that will allow me to do it. But I also know that it takes more than just good intentions and thoughts to fix the world.
Indigo Children. They were mentioned in my favorite blog that I was checking today, but only briefly. I looked into it a bit more, here's the wikipedia article on them:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indigo_children Basically its a term for people with a strong draw to other "Indigos" who connect in a certain way, sometimes to the extent of paranormal activity of being able to read minds. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, and me continuing to be the lost dreamer that I often can be, but I found myself identifying with what I saw and wondered if this could describe me, even if it is a claim of pseudoscience. I just felt like I needed to check it out a little more extensively just based off of the fact that lots of things have been connecting lately, and this really peaked my interest.
The connections started happening the day after Christmas, last week. I was at a friend's house and we watched a couple of movies and TV shows, and everything intertwined and lots of random references that were made by either of us, or on whatever we were watching would appear elsewhere later on in the night. A little bit before bed I kind of had a personal epiphany about something that I've been thinking a lot about lately that I don't want to get into now because this entry is going to be long enough as it is. Then Jeremy, Chase, Greg, and Travis came here to visit shortly after and the connections continued to happen.
New Years Eve was really fun, and at one point our group realized that we had people who were 5 degrees of separation away from each other, which is just a mind boggling thought given the 6 degrees of separation theory. We ventured around Boston and Cambridge all day and night, and at midnight on the Harbor, something seemed to hit me like a sack of bricks during the fireworks. As I was trying to figure it out, I got pulled out, as the group decided to B-Line it through the crowd to get to the T as fast as they could. The night was a culmination of emotions, that eventually led to a fight with my parents today that kept me in the house pretty much all day, just brooding and thinking more.
My conversations turned to thoughts of wanting to change the world and make it better, which I later found to be part of the whole indigo aura, and also ended up being the last words in the blog that inspired me to write this. It was the last connection in a series of thoughts, hopes, and other connections that got me to thinking about one night at the end of the semester when I was back at school, where I was praying and wondering if I'm on the right path in life, and wishing that I had a sign to point me in the right direction regardless of whether or not I was on the right path. I've had clear cut signs given to me before, but I take this to be what I was asking for before. I want these connections to keep happening because they're really neat, however I hope that this doesn't make me go out of my way looking for them and finding connections where they don't exist and chalking them up as acts of God when they're just daily coincidences.
Right now I'm going to try to keep connected to myself. I also think that since I'm almost done with my two songs that I've been working on for a really long time that I'm going to try to finish them this week and then start a new song and call it either "Indigo" or "Indigo Children" or something to that extent, maybe "Make Me Indigo"... I've got some new ideas I want to test out.
Until next time, stay connected!