Jul 04, 2003 02:31
ahh the olden days at wj i rember all the people that i considred my friend and they called me theirs then over some stupid shit i lost alot of those people then there was the revenge isue wich took fore ever but it finally stopped and recentally we talked it out a lil bit. but things still arent like they used to be. all the people still dont talk to me. and suprisingally my best friends turned into people who couldent care less about me, but y[et they pretend to care. their always saying how mutch they would miss me if somethin happend but yet no one ever calls to just say hi. some of my new friend are kool as shit we chill almost every day now that im not in skool unt[ill fall at mc. some of the people that least liked me are now good friends. even though garrett is over seas and in the army fighting in a war i talk to him more thin my "best friend" jacque. my new best friend hannah when i dont tal[k to her in a day thinks im dead. and she would do any thing for me and i would do anything for her. but i guess in time that friendship will die out even though i hope it dosent. every one always say we will be friends for eve the next time just stop and think has any one ever really done that, atleast for me theres only[ a few people that t[hat is true.
now to the next subject school, what bull shit how society is all built around school. some of the easyest fuckin jobs you need to go to school for. to become a bmw technishion at vob i would have have to have a high school diploma but yet at the bmw shop i worked at my boss dident give a fuck about that school crap. as long as you showed him that you were intrested in what you were doing and workded hard at it you could not know shit about cars he would show u how to do it then let you try and give you help here and there. i fucking rebuilt motors by myself with in working there for 2 weeks and doing the same shit as p[eople at vob but yet i dident even graduate high school. i know i should have stuck it out for that last year in hs but for me it wasent worth it i dont want anything out of life other thain to be happy. but yet some faggott had to go and say hey you cant do this with out going to school for it. it just pisses me off so bad all that school crap that every one pulls out of there ass. one of my plans is to go to mc for a lil bit learn some shit about auto mechanics then transfer to college park and get one of those flashy fancy college degree bull shit and then go look[in[ for s[ome [[[bullshit boring ass job were i get paid a shit load to be profesionally b[or[ed out of my m[i[nd [[a[[n[d[[[ [[[s[t[r[ess myself out. so that when i get married if i decide to that i can provide for my famly and give my wife and childereen what ever they want and so that i wouldent have to worry about what they would have to do if something ever happned to me. but what i really want to do is just do something that i love workin on cars and i wouldent give a shit how mutch money i make. then theres the other plan run the fuck away and live off the land and not have to ever hear the words money of school ever again.
topic 3 recentally (well with in the past 2-3 mounths) i decided to go on a diet as i like to call it not eating so far its ben working good i dropped from 280-290 down to my weight as of today 220 wich is kool im gonna start workin out and gradually start eating more and more untill im built like shit so that i look like one of those guys that you fell bad for some one getin beaten up by them, but its just for looks (no i dont wanna beat up any one) well that all the stuff thats on my mind for now o wait one last thing why the fuck do i always get stuck in fuckin friend mode? any who what ever
good night to any one who reads this all though i dout anyone will cause my "friends" couldent give a shit less at least the ones who have computers and use lj but yeah whatever wiith that to just like ill be damn suprised if any one coments on this shit and not those stupid coments like you an asshole and shit like an actual coment that i could have a discusion with you about you know those kind. and please if ur going to be a dick and post some bull[[[[[shit to try and p[iss me off p[l[ease dont[ be a fuck[in 2yearo[ld lil pissy ass gil wearing a pink dress hiding behind mommy and do an anomus coment have the balls to leave a name.--good nigh[t jesus sorry about the [ things my friend comp i am using is fucked up