(no subject)

Jul 10, 2005 23:09

A is for age: 17
B is for alcoholic beverage: anything fruity...pina colada and margaritas!!
C is for career: studient
D is for dad's name: richard
E is for essential items to bring to a party: food
F is for favorite song at the moment: "you and me" - lifehouse
G is for gf: none
H is for hometown: born in mission veijo~orange county, California
I is for instruments you play: clairnet
J is for jam or jelly you like: strawberry and pineapple
K is for kids: none
L is for living arrangements: dad and stepmom
M is for mom's name: debbie/ (stepmom-Martine)
N is for name of your best friend(s): nicole, steph, rodney, marie
O is for overnight hospital stays: None.
P is for phobias: spiders, bees, dying, murderers
Q is for quote you like: "....."
R is for relationship that lasted longest: 5-6 months
S is for sexual position:im a virgin
T is for time you wake up: 7-9am
U is for unique trait: can twist my tounge upside down...(both sides...gotta see it to kno wut i mean)
V is for vegetable you love: beans
W is for worst trait: im fat
X is for x-rays you've had: teeth, ankle, leg, foot, toes
Y is for yummy food you make: dessert
Z is for zodiac sign: aquarius


First job: filer
First screen name: krzyin2006
First funeral: none
First pet: dog (roxy)
First piercing: ears
First tattoo: None.
First credit card: None.
First kiss: ricky- kindergarden...if that dont count then....ethan
First enemy: my second grade teacher Mrs. Frahm
First favorite musician: backstreet boys


Last car ride: from werk to home
Last kiss: richard from werk
Last movie watched: coach carter
Last beverage drank: diet coke
Last food consumed: stuffing
Last phone call: adam
Last time showered: last night
Last CD played: mcr
Last website visited: mail.yahoo.com


Single or Taken: Single.
Sex: girl
Birthday: 02/17/1988
Sign: aquarius
Siblings: wolfie (his nickname)13, galina 11, jade 3
Hair color: real color is dirty dish water blonde
Eye color: Blue (really light aqua when ive been crying)
Shoe size: 10
Height: 5'6"

Right now, what are you...

Wearing: teal tank, white bra, purple panties, jean skirt, brown sandals
Drinking: Nothing
Thinking about: damn i have dishes to do...and i wonder if this guy i like likes me back

*Eighth Grade*

What were you like: loud and funWhat was your favorite class: art
Who was your best friend:steph
Who did you have a crush on: ...dont member

*Freshman Year*

What were you like: loud and fun
What was your favorite class:art and graphics
Who was your best friend: steph
Who did you have a crush on: joe

*Sophomore Year*

What were you like: more quiet
What was your favorite class: graphics and s.s./english
Who was your best friend: steph and jamie
Who did you have a crush on: heinz

*Junior Year*

What were you like: quiet
What was your favorite class: graphics
Who was your best friend: steph jamie NICOLE
Who did you have a crush on: quite a few

*Senior Year*

What were you like:
What was your favorite class:
Who was ur best friend:
Who did you have a crush on:

-- What’s the color of your bedroom walls?: bright orange
-- What’s in the top drawer of you dresser?: sox panties and bras and tampons
-- Do you have a rug or hardwood floor?: Carpet
-- What kind of picture’s are on the walls?: my graphic posters, and sum other posters from magazines
-- Is your computer in the bedroom?: one of them
-- Did you make your bed today?: hell no
-- Are there clothes all over the place?: yes
-- What color are you sheets?: bright teal blue
-- When you walk in the bedroom what's the first thing you smell?: nothing
-- Do you have a T.V. in your room?: no
-- Are there any full length mirrors in plain view?: nope
-- What’s on the table next to the bed?:alarm clock and magazines and light
-- What’s in the drawer of the table next to the bed?: no drawer
-- What covers the windows?: white blinds but soon bright pink roman shades
-- Is your bed brass or wood framed?: its actully on the floor now haha
-- Are the lights bright or dim in the room?: dim
-- Do you use a little plug in night light?: no
-- Do you have Buzz Light year pillow case’s?: that would be a no
-- Do you Drink or Smoke in your bedroom?: hell NO

// series two - describe

-- Your heritage: Irish Scottish german indian dutch jewish
-- The shoes you wore yesterday: my black sandals
-- Your fears: Being alone spiders and dying and killers.
-- Your perfect pizza: peperoni and mushroom
-- One thing you'd like to achieve: travel the world

// series three - what is

-- Your most overused phrase: awsome
-- Your thoughts first waking up: wtf time is it
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes and smile
-- Your best physical feature: eyes
-- Your bedtime: whenever
-- Your greatest accomplishment: drivers license

// series four - you prefer

-- Pepsi or Coke: coke
-- McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds
-- Single or group dates: both
-- Adidas or Nike: None… vans
-- Lipton Iced Tea or Nestea: I HATE Iced Tea
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
-- Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino plz
-- Boxers or briefs: both...on a guy...i like butts

// series five - do you

-- Smoke: none
-- Cuss: some times
-- Sing well: okay
-- Take a shower everyday: every other
-- Do you think you've been in love: Yeah
-- Want to go to college: macomb or one in chicago
-- High school: dakota
-- Want to get married: yeah
-- Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: yah
--Believe in yourself: some times
--Motion sickness: nope
--Think you’re a health freak: not at all
-- Get along with your parent(s): mom okay dad good….
--Like thunderstorms: their awsome
-- Play an instrument: clairnet

// series six - in the past month, did/have you

-- Drank alcohol: Yeah
-- Done a drug: yes
-- Made Out: yah
-- Gone to the mall: Yeah
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no
-- Eaten sushi: Nope
-- Been on stage: yes
-- Been dumped: yes
-- Gone skating: yes
-- Made homemade cookies: yes...im a good cook too :)
-- Been in love: yes
-- Gone skinny dipping:kinda...with nicole in our subdivion pool...i went in a black tank and panties cuz i had no suit
-- Dyed your hair: yah
-- Stolen anything: yah

// series seven - have you ever

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: yeah
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: no
-- Been caught "doing something": no
-- Been called a tease: yes
-- Changed who you were to fit in: I think so

// series eight - the future

-- Age you hoping to be married: around 25-35
-- Numbers and Names of Children: 2 so far...london jade for a girl and reid mikel for a boy
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: with my family and friends and very romanitc
-- How do you want to die: old age, or without pain and with my family around me
-- Where you want to go to college: Macomb or chicago institute of arts
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: designer of some type
-- What country would you most like to visit: england and germany

// series nine - opposite sex

-- Best eye color?: Green/blue
-- Best hair color?: any
-- Short or long hair?: shorter then shoulder length
-- Best height: taller then me
-- Best weight?: Average Size or bigger
-- Best articles of clothing: Anything that makes them look hott
-- Best first date location: whereever im asked to
-- Best first kiss location: whereever...lol idk

// series ten - number of

-- Number of boys/girls I have kissed: 5
-- Number of boy/girlfriends I have had: 4
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: 2
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 3
-- Number of CDs that I own: 20+
-- Number of foreign countries I have visited: 0
-- Number of states I have visited: 10+
-- Number of piercings: ears
-- Number of tattoos: None.
-- Number of scars on my body: both knees and my eyebrown and my finger
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: many things
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