Oct 15, 2007 21:36
I did a little LJ cleanup and I hope no one who got removed is offended by that. My f-page is simply getting too long for what little time I have to read it. If you were removed it was due to one or more of the following:
-I don't know you in real life so you were automatically on the list I had to scrutinize.
-We probably friended each other because we clicked in some community--possibly years ago--but barely communicate anymore.
-You barely post and I feel a little too vulnerable having others view so much of what I feel since I'm very expressive in writing and am not really able to have the same access to you.
-You seem like a cool person but I don't remember why we friended each other and we just sort of skim past each other's posts probably and never read them anymore.
-I don't feel that we have as much in common as I originally may have thought and/or I don't really feel like I'm getting to know you through your LJ so I don't much see the point. :/
In other words, not a single person I unfriended was due to just not liking them or having an issue with them. I would confront them if that were the case. I'm just selective about the audience that I make myself so vulnerable to (which I feel like I do to anyone who reads my LJ). I want to limit who I delve into my life with, especially if I don't have time to read about everyone else's in return.
If anyone I DIDN'T unfriend wants to unfriend me because they feel any of the above about ME, that's cool too, I won't take it personally. :)