Nov 05, 2012 23:50
I spent all that time proving to peol i was beggin for hlep
the owners of the aparmtnet get away with trying to kill me for it and the parents of my son now think i want to kill myself because the college aged land lady that replaced the one that died todl the cops that and i was beated up for asking for help that everyone said wasn't asking for.
Now i get the sherif coming here in four days to cick me out
and would like to give all my stuff away so it goes to someone that will appreciate it.
I could'nt find representation or a rie to court and now the coutny
get money for me after my dcotr had to come and save y life three times from spinal menigitis, my neck being rebroken from asking for help that they threated 911 if i asked again and put ime in a hold saying i wanted to kill myself instead of helping me.. now I get
to pay 90000 for doing what AGING AND DISABLE told me to do in order to get their fake help.
anyone want ten years worth of stuff?
I need to give it away before going to a shelter or letting the state get money for me after leaving me to die and writing them for over a eyar proving i am asking for their fake help.
oh, i'm not crhistopher reaves for the rest of my life now... but they sure did have fun putting me through construction torture while iw as in here beggin for them to stop and beggin for thelp that when it came it threated to rebrake my neck after i was a breainless zobie for a year healing form the last time the cops broke my neck for asking for the help they froced me to aks for that never came.
anyone want anything beofre the maneagemnt gets to cash it in?
<3joktsbeen very hard
everyone dropped me when i was told i'd be a quadraplegic the rest of my life and i did't have any help or any way to get to food and almost died.