Jul 07, 2004 07:16
And so for a moment i breathed... And I felt the air in my lungs and tasted the salty sweet taste of what could be and i cried, so long its been since something so open so big so pure has hit me, it was like a favorite memory breaking through the locked doors and intricate passageways of my emotion, this feeling set in me that was vaguely familiar like something i experienced through someone elses story in a book, or a past life of my own, something distant but in the same sense right there.
i close my eyes to this world i have known and reopen them to this new world so much bigger, so much crueler and in my face and in the same moment i was free, excited and equally terrified.Looking around i desperately grasp for any idea or recollection of what to do next, the possibilities are endless, i spin looking for the right direction to step in, because i know this first step is so important. im dizzy with possibilities, and dripping with questions, i close my eyes wishing for my small world to come back, what i know , what i have known.
I open my eyes and everything is still the same and i kno i cant go back..im stuck here. I look around again and decide to go forward, i dont know where it will take me i dont think i care, i know whats behind me a fake sense of security that ive been living in for as long as i can remember and thats not good enough anymore.Decidedly i take my first step, it takes every muscle in my body and you know what it feels great, inhaling i close my eyes and reopen them, this time looking forward to seeing my new world again.....and there it is....i look behind me and all the lies are coming out but the sun is shining, i look ahead of me and theres a storm a bitter,angry, violent storm,but just beyond it the world is shining, inviting, and filled with truth. So i walk on to brave the storm and with every step a creeping sense of accomplishment and selfworth slowly fill my very being..and so i breathe