Sep 26, 2005 22:59

Today was an interesting day...
I cleaned the house...
Sarah, Cody and I were going to go c corpse's bride...
I finally got ahold of Amartya...
So she came over 2...
So we watched the movie...
I was so glad to c my friends....
I hadn't seen Amartya since school started, Sarah since Riverfest, and Cody since that one weekend...
Cody looks good am happy he's not losing more weight..and he cut his hair...
Amartya looked HOTT with her sexay shorts I love her more than my own life...
Sarah...she looks so fucking pretty dude her hair looks cool....
So Anywho we watched the movie and I saw Robyn....
The movie was cool...
I stole Cody's shoe it was like humongous... and I stole his Driver's license as well....
Me and Sarah were being lesbians haha...
So Cody asked what she was doing to me...and i was like raping me...
He said she couldn't really rape the willing...
So the movie ended...and Amartya left...
Cody began DDRin' he's awesome like a DDR pony that he is...
Me and Sarah watched..and nice Sarah offered to take him home...
So we were on our way to take My Cody home...
And we were being "teenagers" we spun out of control...
So we kept going...I was glad to hear Cody's voice cuz he didn't have his seatbelt...
So Cody said that we should stop so we did...
And sarah's tire was fucked up....
But it was fucking fun....
So her car was fucked..
The cops did an ambulance and a fire truck...
But we were ok...
"so a black lab came and sarah tried to not hit and we spun around"
There were tire marks all over...
SO this annoying black guy call 911 and he was a prick....
But the cops were cool...the girl cop was nice...
Anywho so my parents were actually pretty cool...
Sarah's dad seemed sad but not mad... I hope she's worried about her...
I'm glad Cody was in the car...otherwise am sure I would have cried like a little baby...
Yeah... Well there was more to my afternoon...but it's all good...
So anywho now am off to bed...but if I would have died today it would of been ok...
I saw Amartya and Cody and Sarah...people who really know me and like me for who I am and now the real me....
Anywho... I'm happy am at home. It was a cool afternoon.
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