Mar 25, 2004 13:48
Last night was dan leo's party. tonight is dan leo's party. tomorrow night could just end up being dan leo's party. it could be a good weekend. too bad i had to leave early last night, my back was/is killing me. And i had to revise a paper today and i have yet to go to class, which i wont last through cause i'm in pain. maybe ijust need a good night of getting drunk.
Two days ago, i cleaned my basement. I'm really proud of that, it's so much easier to live in now. And i still don't want to go to class.
Class sucks.
Other random things in my life: apparently i'm supposed to hang out with a couple friends that i havent seen in like 5 years. That's really wierd, but could be fun. I'm curious what they are like these days. God knows i've changed alot.
Leave me one, as always.