Nov 15, 2002 14:58
i arrive at school all ready to hella yell and i go and i look around and i notice mr alex is not there..i was like oh well maybe he killed myself. Marshall tells me Josh isnt there so yay! Liz comes and says Alyssa isnt there..ah HUGS all around<33
_homeroom 106 * nuthin much ever happens here..Josh comes in late and im like aw fuck! He later tells me he was joking about asking me and Debra out..riight. AJ goes on the chair and makes the volume louder..i thought Debra would like this cause you see full view of his ass. The two best commercials on channel 1 is the poptart snack sticks with the monkies on the goats and the one where the woman is like nice package..i die laughing muahaha...lmao the dumb pep rally announcement..who the hell made that up?!
_keyboarding * we finish typing the letter. Carmine gets amused easily. He presses the button on the monitor and it makes my screen go WHOOSH! Chris doesnt shut up..thats about it.
_biology * we take the quiz on the question i dont understand. Maybe i got a 1 or a 2 i dont know. We started chapter 8[9 more chapters till you know what] and its very boring..about nutrition.
_lunch * THANK GOD my fav time of the day<3 I finally get some lunch[sandwich and coke]. Its so empty and quiet without the fuckers there. Joey burps and im like ah! Debra your right..i do like it hehe yeah freak lala :P We go outside and its the same shit as always. But..whats this?! bodyguard SPYING on us? I turn around cause i feel like someone is watching me and hes hiding in the grass thing and he turned away when i looked. Hmm..weirdo
_algebra * Franco gives us a surprise quiz..yay..but do i know it? No. I only did the textbook work cause i didnt have my workbook. Well i didnt have my textbook either but i asked Myra. I should have left all of it blank cause hes not counting it. Just wants to see if we know I dont understand him. He never answers questions and grr!
_spanish * we got a quiz on the 10 irregular verbs. I didnt study last night cause uh im lazy and i so forgot my book at lunch to study. Josh farted and i was like *bites lip* cause i wanted to die laughing. Ms V said we have to stay after school Monday if we failed yesterdays quiz and take it again..grr..i hope i passed! She measured the girls skirts and mines 4 inches above the knee[supposed to be 2] How am i gonna pull it down?!
_adv english * at the beginning of the period we usually wait for the people that have italian to get their asses in here. But guess who walks in the room? Yeah you guessed like SKFJWJHCVKSDGJDWNJFWU^*! Im such a freak and look out the window and watch him walk over to the other building. The italian people finally come cause they are so slow. We finish the questions on A Christmas Memory[gay story] and i read some Go Ask Alice. Ms Noone is soo boring..
_heb script * dont get me started..useless class! She gave out handouts and thats about it. On the 3rd page it has a paragraph about genitals..lmfao. I hear Carmine Josh and Chris make fun of John..Kristin gets EXTREMELY PISSED OFF!
_global * i rage into the god damn classroom and feel like breaking something. I bump into Chris on purpose and throw Carmine's test at him. Hes like oh that isnt kind kristin and im like I KNOW!!! I kick Chris' chair on purpose and Carmine is like heyy what the? Well the test was easy..Carmine was trying to cheat off me but it didnt work. The end of the period i tell Mr A its gonna rain all weekend and he said to go see harry potter and im like OH HELL NO! If i hear "i didnt did it" from those little boys again im gonna smack them..
I dont know what im gonna do this weekend :/
wtf..Hypa lyss: holla