* " seven days with0ut me ; makes 0ne weak * . '"

May 12, 2002 19:41

heY gIr|s, gUyS... anima|s?
what is uPp? i`m b0red. i just g0t back fr0m my c0usins, we went f0r m0thers day. it sucked ! ;\. s0wwY. but it is s00o b0ring there. but i did my 0utline f0r M0NSTER MUKHERJI
s0 it`s al| go0d. ;]] right n0w im just 0nline. im b0red, im always b0red
but anyways. i wanted t0 clear up^ s0me stuFf ab0ut my previ0s entriEs. s0metimes i get a little sensitive, and i say what's 0n my mind. i d0n't really mean it th0ugh. s0 d0n't take me the wr0ng way. and im s0rry if u th0ught i hated y0u... i might of f0r a split sec0nd th0ugh. het. just kidding * but i just wanted t0 say that. my m0m put her RED r0cking chair 0utside. i pers0nal|y think it lo0ks gay. but she |ikes it, wait scrath that, L0VES it. lo0ls. it kinda freaks me 0ut. but anyways, im go0ing t0 g0. x0x

dr0p me a H0LLA dun! ;]] PWEASE?
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