Oct 20, 2008 23:36
Christine's face is big and round,
Like the moon,
Like the moon,
Like the moo-oo-oon.
I have Cushingoid face (e.g. "moon" face") from the steroids I'm on. I noticed a couple of days ago but forgot to mention it. I noticed as soon as I saw my face in the car mirror on the way home from the hospital. I was like "Woah! Man have I put on a lot of weight in the past week!" I'd noticed that my boobs had gotten dramatically bigger, but that happens once in a while anyways, and I fluctuate heavily in that area due to weight gain and loss. I also noticed I have a bit of a belly going on, but I only noticed the face thing in the car. I was really worried that all the gorging I've done has done lasting damage, i.e. I'm chubby now, but Dad said that the Dex causes water-retention and a lot of steroid users get a bit swollen and get "moon" face (the drug leaflet actually names it this) which isn't cool, but it should go away when I start to reduce my intake, which starts on Wednesday. It also causes weight gain, however, so I am a tad concerned. Not that I'm in any way fat right now, I just liked the way I was - really skinny - and would prefer to stay that way. I have lots of the undesirable effects, the main one being the severe insomnia but also include slow-healing wounds (I keep biting myself by accident and I took a chunk out of my finger using my nail last night), increased appetite, swollen stomach, tiredness and discomfort (I keep falling asleep during activities such as reading and watching TV, and I cried because of all the pain today - which I'm doing increasingly less and less these days), hypersensitivity reactions (really badly chapped skin, especially on my hands and elbows) and many more. There are a few others which I sincerely hope I do not develop, for example: hirsutism, loss of protein and calcium balance and it can also cause schizophrenia aggravation. Oh, modern medicine.
Yesterday Dad and I went to see Gordon, Elaine and the girls, but, alas, they were not in (well, actually, Gordon was, but he was out back and didn't hear us) so we went for a drive in Stonehaven instead, and then we stopped off by the beach as a nice change of scenery, and watched the waves against the big rock formation thingies. I, normally, do not like the beach, so Dad was a tad shocked when I agreed to go, and even more shocked when I asked if we could go for a wander along the promenade. It's not the beach area I dislike, it is the actual beach, i.e. the sand. I just find that if one goes for a five minute walk along the beach, fully clothed and fully vertical, one will still be washing sand out of all sorts of orifices for days to come. It is unnatural and annoying. Also, the sea scares me. The promenade, however, is fine. It was really, really windy though and I had no coat so I must have looked a-mazing in Dad's huge red waterproof jacket, with one hand on my head, trying vainly to keep my hair "in place" and the other arm wrapped around my fathers', in order to keep me from blowing away. I almost did blow away a few times, and this is with the extra weight I'm currently carrying. I'm only little and I fear if it had been any other day and with anyone lighter than Dad (who's not exactly the most heavy-set of men) I would've been making a break for it, like Dorothy's house during the hurricane in "The Wizard of Oz". Hopefully I wouldn't have killed anyone though, although I can't imagine how I could, unless I smothered them with my lunar resembling face. Our walk/stumble/trek was cut short due to the shitty weather and we sat in the car eating ice-cream instead, watching the chippy choppy sea from the comfort of the front seats of the car.
Laura was round today, just to chat and hang out before I depart for the Ling o' Stir the day after tomorrow. We chatted the usual, ate 'The Natural Confectionary Company' snakes (which I've converted Laura into luuurving) and talked of plans to come. We plan to go get ice-cream when I get back, and we plan to go out for tea to "Pizza Express" one night too. Yay. I like plans. And I like pizza. And pudding too. Shosh, of course, will be invited but if she can't or doesn't want to, then we shall venture it alone, except, of course, we'll be together. We talked about Charlotte today actually. It's the first time ever, and I'd like to stress that we weren't bitching about her. [See next post, me thinks, otherwise this one will be about as short as a really non-short thing]. But, yeah, Laura was telling me all about uni and how she should find out what school she'll be going to this year soonish and about all her work gossip and such like and she was asking me about Stirling and Jessica and how my pain is doing and she chatted to my Dad for a bit; the girl is ever so sweet, and we tried to think of a costume for her for Halloween. She wants to go as a pirate, but not a slutty, wenchy one like all the girls do. She's always wanted to go as Little Red Riding Hood (me too!) ever since she played the role in a school play when she was younger, but again, she doesn't want it to be a sleazy costume. Laura's got class and dignity. So she doesn't want to go as anything that basically just requires your underwear to be on show.Good for her. She was round for well over three hours, and I can think of no better way for me to have spent that time than chatting to my gal. We are both insanely up for Baskin and Robins and Pizza Express and just hanging out more often, now that I'm on the mend a little more. So, Woo Hoo. She wishes me lots of fun and adventure for Stirling, which I wish for myself also.
I'm currently eating my daily, sometimes bi-daily Poptart. Yum.
But I've also been sick in my mouth a little already, not so long ago.
And tomorrow I need to pack. I've decided to try and cut down on make-up and toiletries because I need room for all my clothes, especially because I'm planning to bring a lot of jumpers and cardigans as I believe it may be cold and it's better to be safe than sorry. That and I need all my meds and my hot water bottle and stuff. I just have so much cool stuff I want to take. I want to look good, nae, fantastic, nae the best because I spend all day in my PJs and so I like to wear good clothes and a bit of slap to enhance my features when people will see me. I've been feling really pretty of late, you see, and I want people to get that. I especially want people to see past my chubby belly and "moon" face. I love clothes and accessories and make-up and I forget how much fun it all is. My stuff from Topshop arrived a few days ago and it all rocks my socks. I then ordered some more stuff, including the most amazingly beautiful pair of lady brogues, which are two-tone gold and black; but, sadly, I don't think they'll be here by the time I go, which is a shame because they are perfect ringmaster shoes, or ringmistress - I may ditch the mustache, but I may not. I quite like the freaky-deaky idea of being all lady-like with ruby red lips, massive eyelashes, a beauty spot or two and a manly, not-so-manly pencil mustache. We shall see.
I am excited!
And so should you be.
Anyways, enough from me. This post has gone on too long.
Adios amigos.