(no subject)

Sep 26, 2005 21:17

Hey evryboody...

well i didnt do much durin the long weekend cos im sick. bleugh!

although i dort of did as well. went to see Ally-bally in his new hoose in Lennoxtown (where?). His new mate sparky who lives 3 doors down ( wey "three doors down") from him. ally had already unpacked his geetars and we all basically jumped about lyk fannies in his huge  room.

the next day i went  out with me mum and she bought me a jacket a black cardye/zipper thing soo comfy. and a ck top (chuffed).

We also went into town and i saw a REALLY nice scarf in i think it was cult or urban outfitters cant memba and i really wanted it but it was lyk £40 or sumthin and my mum was lyk fuk that.
So instead my mum bought me similar wool (new zealand lamb wool or sumthin lyk that, really comfy) and i KNITTED it!!! ( i really am lauren the granny haha!) But i LOVE IT!!!!!!

but im sick :(  a pure gust of wind killed our satellite dish 2 nights ago and we dont have any channels HORROR!! bored outmy skull. or i would apart from.


Ive been tryin to get it for AGES its fukin histerical.

Love me x
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