May 18, 2005 19:36
today was an okay day...
::MaIN hIgHlIghTs of The dAy::
1. didNt weAr the SaMe shIRt as Any 1
2. dIdnT haVe to TaKe a TEst!!
3. fOUnd ouT bout a Ladi witH 4 legS and 2 vagiNas
4. waTch a Gay MOvie..
5. laiD doWn oN thE flOor and fEel asLeeP
6. a sTupiD a$$ gIrl NameD asHleY tOld pPle i did sTuff wiTh a guY duRing how and y would I do tHT if I likE suMone anD + i wAs asLeeP...gRRR!!!
7. ThE cOOKie kCkers ROcK onE moRe timE!!
8. stUpid PiCtURe mAN scRewEd up My orDer...
9. aTe at JohNy cARIno's
10. tooK a diP in the Pool!!
11. toLd the bOi i LIked HIm <3 !!!
12. THE END!!