Jul 01, 2011 22:59
In abt 24 hrs, the show will be over and I will be sad...but hopefully hyped up! Leaving tomorrow (not on a jet plane), and I HAVE TO REMEMBER THE TICKETS or else the whole trip is kind of pointless.
Will be packing tomorrow morning and putting all of Peanut's toys up. I hope Hubby is nice about the whole thing. I have taken him to both BSB and NKOTB before. We'll just have to wait and see, I guess. It's a 3 hr drive to get there. At least we are staying close enough to the arean that we can walk. (Reminds me of when we saw NKOTB and BSB in Las Vegas.) Also when I saw BSB in SD years ago. *sigh* Maybe this is a good sign. Contemplating putting WyleeLL's Twitter on my phone, but I think Brian is pretty good about ReTweeting her posts about Wylee parties. (I actually saved enough money to buy something of hers but am SERIOUSLY debating it, as there is at least $5k in med bills coming our way soon.)
Anyway, I'm off to bed. Must go charge the mp3 player so I have something to listen to in the car, as we are taking Hubby's car and he listens to NewWave on SiriusXM. (Why is it that whenever I think of Sirius radio, I think of Sirius Black? HP7pt2 comes out soon!)
I didn't get nearly as much written as I wanted to, but I will hopefully get some writing done soon. *sigh*
Going to bed now.
music: nkotb,
music: bsb