So, I'm sitting online (that means FB) and the Backstreet Boys post a link. I click on it and get taken to a LIVE webchat with...wait for it...THE LITTRELLS!
Outside of the fact that the three of them are all wearing the same ANNOYING color: orange, and I happen to join in when 7 (almost 8) year old Baylee is talking about disgusting little boy stuff, it's pretty cool.
Favorite points:
Someone asked the question we were all DYING to know: Is BRIAN going to go shirtless on the BSB cruise? Um...that would be a big fat NO!
BRIAN agrees with us who think that BSB should be on GLEE! (Heck, I would even settle for a BoyBand assignment, if not a BSB assignment.)
Also, BRIAN is working on a new solo album, working title: BELIEVE.
And, is getting a revamp and will be BACK soon. (Question is how soon is soon?)
Otherwise, it was REALLY cool just seeing them all hanging together, on Leighanne's birthday of all day's. (For the record she is 6 years old than him, so figure out her age yourself!)
That is all.