..*.. its just not worth the effort anymore ..*..

Apr 12, 2004 17:19

hmm todayy wus pretti funn! onli suckki thing wus how pple wudnt stopp making fun of me nd my sun burn =( it sukedd... i felt like i wus in 3rd grade all over again being teased about my snoopy glasses lol* but thats anotherr storyy... lets talk bout the dayy.. <3

1st*i wus all alone.. nooch & cooch werent in & curto wus absent!! subb- watchedd a stupid moviee.. slept lol*
2nd*studyy hall wit lauren.. talkedd & did homework!
3rd*NOOCHHH CAME!! i loveee herr! ima soo happi my babiee is homee!! we hadda blastt talking about everythingg that went on while she wus awayy! lol* herr dolphin pic.. soo B.E.A.UTIFULL! =D
4th*englishh wit mandy nd dreia.. wusnt funny!! lol* they kept makin fun of me
5th*gymm wit arielle.. funn! hehe*
6th*lunchhh wit the grlzz.. wow- jeneeta sureeee can scream loud lol.
7th*mathhh.. did workk! blahh blahhh..
8th*spanishh.. subb! talkedd wit manderrz.. wrote on dereks hands hahahaa!!
9th*global.. ew! wuteverr..

aftr skewl.. chilled wit manderrz nd arielle while they waited 4 their ridee.. nd then walkedd home! did shiett... walked to dollar video nd got a moviee =D yay!! then whilee walkin bak i decided to stopp by the trackk nd say hi to mr. kennedy nd mr. crowne [[old trackk coaches from 7th&8th gradee]].. it wus awesomee talkin to them!! lol*

alsoo got to see ma babiess nooch cooch nd carolinee in action @ softball practicee! lol* u guyss were awesomee lol* eww.. had to see wiz too! of course i got the whole "HEYY FOREHEAD" greetingg.. he suxx! hahaaa!

yeahh.. i think ima givinn up on jesse! me nd nooch were talkinn todayy nd she definately helped me realizee how much i still care about aj!! nd i definately need to do sumthing about those feelings! but how i do i kno it wud workk out? cause we both go 2 different skewlz... nd hes gonna b awayy alot during the summer! then the last 3 weeks i havee soccer camp in georgia!! ahhhh.. this isnt kewl =( idenoo wut im supposed to do! i dont even kno exactlyyy how he feels.. he proly wudnt wanna go out witt me newayss! idk wats uppp..

alriteeeyy.. bbye now. x0x mwahz*

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