Apr 05, 2005 17:21
Hey my love !! Just wanted to post here to say that i LOVE YOU Hope you like it. Well you better. And Oh yeah nice back ground. I got it from my GRANNY !! hehe.
<33- best friend
EDiT- 05.32PM
awww !!! Isn't that the best bestfriend you could have ? I know!! She rocks !! Well she made everything on this journal so prop her !!
Nothings new i have to go do some homework =] .. too much excitement going on !! Whoo!! well umm i hope you like all the new stuff because i L0VE it && if you don't then poo you =]. Well ok i have to go do the homework .. OH i hate this new time change thing it sucks. I wake up so tired && i don't like it.
Later dudes !!
EDiT 06.31PM
hmm .. so i finished the homework!! well anyways i wanted to write something because most people have interesting entries && well mines are like totally plane. Well ok so i need some help .. what to do ... so my situation is that i'm totally head over heels over this guy but i haven't talked to him in the longest && the feelings are still the same .. i don't understand i mean you'd think not talking to them would totally change the feelings but it hasen't changed a thing. You see everyday i feel so hopeful that when i turn into my block i see him out there waiting for me .. wanting to be with me && giving me a hug but the thing is that i'm just letting myself down by thinking that. It's so incredibly there in me face && i can't stop thinking about it. Some of you might know what i'm talking about others might not so if you desperatlly wanna know just iM me =]. But i just wanna move on but it's so hard. My heart tells me not to move on but i know i have to .. the thing is that the heart is always right. That's what makes it even more difficult. I don't wanna think about it anymore but i just do. =\ [sigh]
so apparently some ''gang'' guy wants to fight my cousin - gilbert- let me see that guy try something .. haa real funny ! ughh .. i hate my school i can't wait until the summer so i can go to Braddock. Seriously. well ok i'm gonna go now && talk to Janet && Jorge because their cool. Amanda's not on ='[