Dec 03, 2004 16:51
Hmm. today was fun fun :] Woke up to an unexpected call from the rooster of the morning Tien and went to schooool. Faith wasn't on the bus so I didn't have anyone to show off my AWESOME CELL PROJECT to. I named him Earlll! :] Great name huh? Hhaha. So, 1st and 2nd were boring as usual, and in third i had a good cry. Sheeeze, I love you Micahh<3 In fourth, Micah and I walked around the track like Loosers becuhs we wanted to talk about some stuff. Saw Ken, and met his friend [?] Forgot his name, Sorrry! >;[ Yeahh .. Anywaaays, Club day happend today and it was Okay. Great Food, good stuff :] Teehees. Had a math test in 6th and i totally bombed it becuhs she collected it early becuhs the class was so damn loud. rawr. getting ready. mall, stephies house! and then to see xplicite special ones :] then home. -- to be edited.