Apr 25, 2004 14:47
hey guys. its monday..when u hear monday the word "boring" pops into your head, right? becus i know it does for me. i hate mondays. i dread them. every sunday night i have the biggest frown on my face cus the thot of the word "monday" makes me sick to my stomach. there's never anything to look forward to. monday=sucky.
yeah, so vacation is officially over. it wasn't that great. afterall, all i did was drive aimlessly, waste gas with no destination whutsoever,worked at kellys roast beefay and spend money that didnt need to be spent. you always feel accomplished when you do that. i wanted to at least come back to school raving about something incredible i did. but noo. whutever. i hope summer vaca. is so much better. i want to plan a senior trip. me and mckenna were talking about bermuda. it reallie does seem pretty cool, but trying to set things up and shyt wood be so difficult! i'll have to see.
oh so school updates. its last term--i refuse to slack, but at the same time, i slack. i wanna do good, but i have no energy and hardly put any effort into whut i do nemore. the nice weather's coming in, i officially have a car for the first summer...its all just so much more exciting then grades and exams, speaking of which i have many!
did i tell you? porter gave me the official news--im Editor in Chief of the Yearbook next year! hOooraH for me! im working with annette and caitlin and everyone. it shood deff. be fun.
okay so coming this week -- its just gonna be plain and simple INSANE. no other words to describe it. okay so wednesday i have a chapter 32 outline due for perella. yeah, so whut? BUT on top of that, he is deciding to BOMBARD us with a Semester Final--yes not in june but this thurday and friday. HOWEVER, saturday is the SATS!! wtf? sunday i have the stupid walk for hunger//community service really does blow. and then monday is my AP english exam and that friday is the AP history one. its way too much. why all these many major tests all in the matter of one week?! its gonna suck so bad. :(
yeah speaking of which, the day of the SATS is me and eric's 4 months! :) ahh so exciting. things are going so good. i love him! his birthday is in the middle of HELL week, cinco de mayo, that is. i got him the koolest stuff :)
so my comp went down. i lost absolutely everything. i had to reboot this shitbox, so i hadda re-download everything. i know its bad, but i downloaded kazaa again. i just koodnt help myself. yeah, i have the radio - but nothings better then hearing the music u want, whenever u want. i have a 20pg research for dakin due in exactly 1 month. im gonna go nuts. eRr. why kant i just relaxxx dawg? haha.
well its time i go, just thought i'd update. until next time!