Jul 10, 2005 21:12
scratch that part about bein a baby goin into da real world...i jus talked to my mom rite now and she told me she felt so bad seeing me work and cleaning and that she calld her sisters and was crying to them cuz she sees me cleaning and shit and that if she could shed do anything to givus wat we want and how she makes 6 times more than i do and that $5 cant do anything and that i shudnt be doin it jus for the extra money just as long as im having fun. and that if i feel i dont like it then just quit. and if im guna be workin weekends wen skool starts that i wont be able to go to no parties. its kinda fun wit the ppl but not working so i guess im guna quit in february cuz thas wen i last need money lol cuz august is my sis renee and moms bday then november is the nannys and december is christmas then january is my bro n sis rj n jewel then february is daddys. gosh she was all crying wen she was talking to me and it made me cry we were all crying......how sad thats guna make me misser more wen i go to camp. that is all.
ps. turns out she didnt want me to get the job in the first place.