May 09, 2004 13:47
it's been awhile since i've truly updated.
i've been talking to my mentors chef pergl and chef edens... they think that i could rock at either Sona or Napa Rose. Sona does have more prestige yes.... but right now it looks like i have a better chance at getting the job at Napa Rose rather than waiting longer to get the gig at Sona. i need to work now... so i think i'm gonna go for Napa Rose and keep workin on that Sona gig. Perhaps staging there once a week or something... that would be cool.
this coming thursday is my audition for a job at Napa Rose... i hope get it. If i do... everyone needs to come and eat at the restaurant and you can watch me make food kuz it's an open kitchen. i will WERK IT for u guys~ YAY YEAH!!
that is all for now...
*side note... i just got a cool new vic firth t-shirt.... me gusta <3