from last night

Apr 18, 2007 22:39

My dream:

I walk into McDonald's (I have no idea why) and I see this guy in uniform who obviously worked there who must have been on break because he was walking around with a tray of food…I notice that he has what SEEMS to be a cigarette in his mouth. I got really offended for some reason thinking: "Jesus Christ this is a restaurant, take the cigs outside buddy!" so I go up to up and yank the cigarette out of his mouth. When I look down it wasn't a cigarette I pulled, it was a french fry. Feeling quite humiliated I notice a cloud of smoke forming around this french fry... soon flames appear and before I know it I'm holding one scary-ass french fry. So I throw it towards a table where a LITTLE OLD MAN is sitting and it blows up. So basically I killed this poor little old man because of an explosive french fry. I really hope all this "dreams have meaning" stuff is false because that's just messed up. There is no symbolism to be found. I don’t think I’ll be eating French fries for quite some time either…

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