Nov 23, 2009 23:25
As promised <3
Well if you remember when we saw Ryan last time, there was a girl named Michele who opened for him. At the end of her set, she mentioned she was looking for a producer to produce her new record because she had a lot of songs she wanted to do. So my bf Frankie, who recently opened his own recording studio, decided to just be gutsy so he went up to her and gave her his card and talked to her for a little bit. He didn't actually expect anything to come of it, but two weeks later she actually called him to set up an appointment.
She came up to his studio and did a simple demo just to see how they would get along. Michele LOVED what he was doing with her songs so she signed a contract to do a few more songs, which she is still in the middle of doing with Frankie between touring.
A few weeks ago, Michele said she was playing a show with Ryan and Philly and told us we should come. Ordinarily, I wouldn't go all the way to Philly to see Ryan. I just wait to go to NY even though Philly is just as close lol. But he wanted to see what Michele was doing and OF COURSE I wouldn't pass up a chance to see Ryan.
Soooo we went to the show. I had front row but OMG the crowd was so calm. Everyone SAT and just applauded after the songs. It was INSANE!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it. I stood and I felt so awkward. I can't wait to go back to NY shows where people dance and have fun. But on a positive note, he played a looooong time, told a lot of new stories, and played so many songs he ordinarily never plays at shows. I have some videos I need to upload!!
Anyway, Michele told me she would take me back to get a picture with Ryan, but Ryan ended up coming out and meeting all the fans anyway. He was such a sweetheart and actually had long conversations with everyone. He was bursting out with random segways between songs including covers of Miley Cyrus, Gnarls Barkley, Britney Spears and Hanson. It was hilarious!!!!! So me, Frankie, and my friend who was with us told Ryan we are forming a Miley Cyrus cover band, which he was very excited about hahahaha
After I met Ryan and nearly died, Michele said she was going with a few friends to a club down the street. Ryan and his management and whoever were going to meet her down there in a bit when the crowd cleared out a little. So we head down the street and they asked everyone to take out their IDs..and I'm not 21 so I was bummed. But Michele knew the bouncers/club owners so they trusted that everyone was 21 so we all went in :D
So we go into the club and a few minutes later, Ryan walks in. He was talking to a bunch of people and eventually he came to me and said "hello new friend!" and gave me a high 5. My life was complete =]
He talked to us for a REALLY long time. My boyfriend and got along with him a littttle too well lol. It was creepy. So we hung out off an on because he knew a lot of people there. On the way out when the club was closing, Michele helped me to get another picture with him. While taking the picture, he decided to eat my face. It was exciting!! And he kept talking to me while his managers were yelling at him to leave. But he stayed with me so I was happy. He showed me a secret friend handshake, but he hurt me with this giant ring he had on and he was like oohhmmmyyyygggoooddd im so sorry.
I didn't mind. =]
I told him I will see him in NY. He had also promised Frank he would do this Beatles' cover at the NY show and if he forgets, Frank has to yell it out to remind him. If he actually remembered me by January I don't even know what I'd do with myself.
So I officially went to a club for the first time and it was with Ryan Cabrera. Wow! LOL
Okay sorry I tried to summarize but it ended up being a novel lol I apologize. I really did leave a lot out LOL