Oct 17, 2005 22:50
It's really strange to me how he can act so perfect at some points, and then sooo far from perfect at others. Is there such a thing as a guy that is actually just like even 90% Great? ..He can get so deep under my skin sometimes... times when he does such idiotic things that boys do and then doesn't even realize what he's doing wrong (no matter how many times you explain it to them)...its like trying to train a dog not to bite and wrestle, it really is. But then other times he can be so great as to suck up all his manly-hood to do what i wanna do for a day...complete polar opposites. Guys tend to do such far-fetched things and im just like "...huh?" what goes through their minds? anything? lol man o man! im getting more and more use to it now that it's getting to the point where you don't even try to "train" them anymore... it doesn't get anywhere..