Aug 03, 2005 02:11
I was laying in bed tonight and I couldn't sleep as much as I tried because I kept thinking about a million different things. One of which was thinking about all the people my age who I've known or heard of dying. It's been on my mind a lot lately and I've been thinking about how much I need to live life while I can because it can happen to me at any time. Well, I couldn't fall asleep so I got online.. and when I signed on, Meaghan IMed me saying she needed to tell me something. She tells me that Keelan died about a week ago. Keelan, or as I've always called him, KeeKee ..he hated that name.. He always remembered my birthday and made sure he'd call me or find me online to wish me a happy birthday. When I was in middle school, he was like the center of mine and meaghan's worlds for a period of time. He was so sweet, so funny. I use to have the HUGEST crush ever on him and we came close to dating. We were really good friends through my middle school years but eventually he stopped coming around and i really only talked to him on the computer. We use to talk a whole lot on the computer... he'd always give me advice about which ever guy I was dating at the time and I talked to him about everythinggg. He'd always tell me how much he wanted to date Rachel and what was new with her. He was absolutely crazy about this girl for like 3 or 4 years... it was insane! I think he truely loved her. He never took an interest in any other girls, or not that he told me. When he was 15 he sounded like a 30 year old and I use to make fun of him for it.. my parents always got freaked out when he would call me and they picked up lol. The past yr we didnt talk too much. He made sure to talk to me on my birthday last feb and we caught up on everything going on. About a month ago, I saw he was online and thought about IMing him but I was busy looking up some stuff so decided not to... less than three minutes later he IMed me... and we talked for a while.. he asked about me and shaun, about school... he finally graduated this year... he told me about his new job, the one for the post office, plus he still had his job at food lion. He caught me up on all the things with Rachel and everything. We didn't talk for more than thirty minutes before I had to let him go so I could go to sleep, and he gave me his new cell number so I could call him the next day and we could talk more... but i never called him... God he was always such a nice guy.. why does this shit have to keep happening to the coolest and most genuine people? And such YOUNG people?
Last month, my brother's old friend from Parker, Nate, died. I had met him on many occasions... I always thought he was the hottest guy in the world, of course I was only in 6th or 7th grade at the time. He died fighting for our country over in Iraq. He was only 22.
May God rest both Keelan Dunn's & Nathan Clemmon's souls.
Don't think you can do idiotic things and not have to pay the consequences in one way or another.
Don't keep putting off giving your life to The Father, you may never get the chance to.
Don't leave from hanging out with the one you love if you haven't settled an arguement, or atleast let them know you love them and always will.
Take every chance you get to tell your mother, father, brother, sister, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, and companions how much you love and care about them.
Live every day like it's your last, because it might be.