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Nov 27, 2004 21:20

Whats up homies?? so yes my computer is still broken.. should be fixed within the next couple of weeks though..hopefully!! Things lately have been kinda up and down.. I went to go see my sister a week and a half ago for her graduation from bootcamp. It was really nice to see her again!! I missed her soo much and it was great to just be able to sit down and talk to her like we use to do. The base and everything was pretty neat too. So we stayed up in SC for a couple of days and then came back home. The day i went back to school there was that "shooting" b/s with some reggin messing with a gun like an idiot.. Then this week was Thanksgiving. I did the usual, went to my grandmothers with the whole family. We talked to my sister on the phone that night.. shes hating AIT and is trying to get kicked out.. Turns out she'll be going straight from there to Iraq for a year which really really sucks.. im going to miss her like crazy!! Then later that night at dinner my grandma was telling us that shes going to start like video taping everything in her house and saying who gets what once she dies.. and she was asking me what i wanted.. Ya knowm, its real nice claiming ur grandma's belongings for when she dies. So yeah, thanksgiving was a kinda interesting day i guess. Ive been spending the whole rest of my weekend with allison. Her 16th birthday is tomorrow.. shes been real upset lately because shes been sick and a lot of things just rnt going as planned.. Kinda sucks!! But i dont know what i could do to help her so i dunno. We decided earlier this week that if i dont move this summer then her and i r both going to switch to sandalwood next yr. Parker just really sucks.. we both think we'll end up being racist by the time we leave there if we stay. Well.. idk what else has really been goin on lately.. tired of school, of course, tired of drama and everything too.. But i suppose thats what being a teenager is all about!! Welp, im gonna get goin. Happy sweet 16 Alley and cheer up!!

Love always,
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