May 23, 2006 22:52
So, it's over. No more waking up at 5:30 am, no more skipping Mr. Nolte's class first period for no reason at all, or just because I didn't want to take the anatomy test that day, no more bullshit IB math where we did nothing for the first hour and 20 minutes, no more music/art history...thank god...because I'm surely not mad about more always being tardy to Bruce's class, or skipping ceramics for free more of Mr. Goozh making fun of me all the time...and vice versa...all in more Metro. It's not so much that I'm going to miss Metro... it's the people...everyone...Melodee, Mackenzie, Rashonda, Christin, Jazz, Kyle, Cooper, Lizzie, Sarah, Yale, Jake, Kristan, Anna, Quontrell, Anthony, Tiff, Nikki, Carolyn, Shawn, Lakedra, Brigette, Julia, Kat, Kris, Katherine, Will, Marg, Kev, Emily, Lee Lee, Asha, Steph, Dominique, Tab, Erica, Ericka, Matt, Kelli, Lauren, Jenna, Murph Durph, Lorenc, Anh, Qui, Justin, Dave, Katie, Alex, CeAira, Doneisha, Julisa, Corey, Sam, Rich....I dont know who I missed....
But anyway. I thought I would be more emotional, but I guess not because I know that we can all keep in touch.
We're all going to be great in life....