Mar 12, 2003 20:54
aloha? yeah. What's up guys? i finished harry potter number four today. yay. i luv the harry potter's. they are so good! I feel dumb tho cuz i'm obsessed with a "children's book", but everyone in the world reads them too, so it's not too bad. yeah. Assembly, ehh. Mr. Miller's class, ::thumbs up::, i like his class. 4th period, eh. what'd we do? Make more posters. 5th, eh...well, kinda funny. those Sophomore black girls are so hilarious. it makes that period not as dreadful. Sixth, me and christine laughing cuz i guess i make funny faces at mccafferty and his INSANE-ness. and he made me sad too. and then, kinda happy cuz that chick went to USC. I guess she read my lips when i said, "I want to go to USC" and she was like, really?? ::thumbs up:: heh, too bad couldn't chat w/ her. that's kewl how audrey's sister, heather goes to film school. I thought she just wanted to be a journalist. Maybe she wants to be a newsanchor or something. That's pretty kewl. She got in...maybe i can get in. she had an okay GPA, nothing over a 3.7. She's so pretty!! and wow, she went from pepperdine to usc. that's really lucky. lotsa money too...geez!!!
okay, enuff about college don't even get me started. i miss you guys. stuff has me busy. stuff has my mind occupied and i don't get to write letters or wrap these lil gift-ys i have for u and i haven't gotten ppl bday presents cuz i'm broke and...all this stuff. i suck cuz i know i can make the time. but i'm so tired and lazy. just know i will always luv ya'll, k? :-) crap. i just remembered i have to leave the house at 6:30 w/ mark, AGAIN. for the chamber of commerce meeting. joy and a half...aye. i hate speaking in front of ppl when i'm tired. guess gotta get used to it for next year, right? ran that fbla meeting horribly. runs better if u made the agenda, i well, i'm just procrastinating. i better go. see u guys tomorrow.