Fanvid: Draco/Hermione - Russian Roulette

Jan 04, 2010 07:43

I've been meaning to make a D/Hr video to this song for a long, long time now but it didn't quite turn out as expected. Oh well anything to do with D/Hr makes me happy haha :)

Anyways this is set during sixth year. Draco and Hermione have had a relationship of sorts until Draco starts brushing her off without telling Hermione why, and she starts investigating to get down to the bottom of it. Turns out Draco has received a mission from Voldemort (how original, I know...) and towards the end Hermione figures it out and alerts Harry & co., but their efforts to prevent the attack turn deadly... So yeah I suck at these summaries, you can watch and make up your own plot if you have no idea what I'm talking about :)

(click to watch)

fanvid: music video, !fanvid, pairing: draco/hermione, movie: harry potter

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