Jan 14, 2008 20:04
Usually I am unimpressed by lectures on learning styles. But after years of
a) boring lectures that I didn't understand
b) believing I was a visual learner
I had a great lecture today on these in art class, and I feel I should share the news!
1. Visual learners (up to 40% of the population)
- Pay close attention to detail
- enjoy living in beautiful, neat and organized environments
- may be perfectionists
- make art that is detailed and beautiful, and take plenty of time doing this
2. Kinesthetic learners (up to 30%)
- Are often bored or impatient when they have to stay still for long periods of time
- Finish most things very quickly
- Are often moving or fidgeting
- Produce art quickly, enjoy working with larger pieces, and may create many pieces and then chose the best one for submission
3. Auditory learners (about 10%)
- Constantly talk when producing work
- need to explain something to others in order to fully understand it
- create art that always tells a story, and add only details relevant to that story
- may be extroverts
4. Tactual learners (about 20%)
- Are very empathetic and caring individuals
- Enjoy baking, sewing, knitting, or otherwise creating things
- May avoid taking actions for fear of hurting others
- Create art that tends to express relationships
So... what kind of learner are you??