More Homework - rant style!

Nov 15, 2007 18:50

The last shreds of my remaining moral fibres are trying their hardest to convince me not to sell THE REST of my soul for the fourth paper this week in which I am supposed to colourfully wax on about my experiences in this class/ life and how they have changed my teaching philosophies/ hopes for the future! I can't write anymore on this topic. I just can't. I don't MEAN any of it. I want to be a good teacher, really I do! I want to support my student's learning! But I don't want to write another essay on how I intend to set up a classroom with a "warm, supportive, student-centered approach, in which the individual differences of all students are treasured etc. etc. etc." for 5 pages. I mean, yes, that would be an awesome classroom environment. But I don't know what my classroom will be like yet.... and I'm sick of pretending I do. And I'm sick of flowering on about how insightful I am for 5 - 6 pages.

The rantyness of this entry may be due, in part, to the fact that I have re-named my bed "the pit" This is in fact due to the giant pit locating directly in the middle of my mattress, into which I inevitably roll during the part of the night when I finally fall asleep waking up with a sore back, and a bad attitude.
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