Random, pointless comment (Yay for pointless comments!) since you were saying there have been a lack of them. But let me remind you there has been a lack of recent updates too, Miss Nora dora. *pokepokes*
And we have to get you into anime. Aye, that we do. Then we can have another in our group at the convention next year! Where we all dress up like loons. It's great. *nods*
*sheepish grin* Not all of it is fluffy. With Inuyasha, Furuba, and Chobits most definitely. No arguing with you there. And while Kenshin might have it's moments, it's not as bad as bad as those. (Especially in the Kyoto arc in later eps.) Bleach on the other hand there's not much at all. Unless you're talking about guys hitting on Inoue since she has big boobs, but then again, that's not really fluff, ne? :P
Random, pointless comment (Yay for pointless comments!) since you were saying there have been a lack of them. But let me remind you there has been a lack of recent updates too, Miss Nora dora. *pokepokes*
And we have to get you into anime. Aye, that we do. Then we can have another in our group at the convention next year! Where we all dress up like loons. It's great. *nods*
i wanna b a loon
i wanna b a loon
And I ambush you with anime via YouTube! Moo ha ha ha ha! (The YouTube is a godsend, really. *bows down to it*)
Inuyasha : episode 1 in Japanese with subtitles or in English. ( I personally prefer it in Japanese with the subtitles, but that's just me. )
Rurouni Kenshin : episode 1, part 1 and part 2, both in English.
Fruits Basket : episode 1 in Jap with subs. Sorry, couldn't find the whole episode in English for ya.
Chobits : episode 1 in English
Bleach : episode 1 in Jap with subs. ( They only have the Jap version of this so far. )
Well, those are the first eps of some of my favorite animes. Hope you like 'em. ^.^
...*walks away*...
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