Mar 20, 2005 17:34
Tina awoke to the sound of the ringing alarm clock and stared into the time it was showing. Having just woke up it took her awhile to absorb it. It showed 12:23pm startled she looked into Lori her fraternal twin sisters bed. All it showed were slight bumps resembling a human body. She got into a squat position and took off leaping from her bed to her sister’s, screaming "WAKE UP!" But when she landed from her leap expecting to find a solid object she was once again startled to find that the lump was not her sister but a pile of pillows. Incredibly frustrated Tina began screaming "Lori!" and as a reply Tina heard cackles of laughter and was suddenly thrust to the floor by flying pillows.
"Do you even realize what time it is?!" Tina asked as she threw pillows in Lori's direction.
"I do," she replied. "But do you?"
"What do you mean by that?" Tina asked, confused.
"Did you even think to look at your watch?" Lori said in between laughter. The time showed 9:51.
"You idiot!" Tina screamed. "You scared the shit out of me!"
"I know, that was the fun part." Lori cackled, only to be hit in the head by another pillow.
"Come on, Lori, we have to get ready…"
"Correction," Lori interrupted, "You have to get ready-I've been ready since 8:00."
"FINE! I'll get ready and you can have the honors of calling everyone." Tina said, aggravated.
"Uggh…Whatever." Lori grumbled, and she made her way out of the room, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. Tina slumped onto the bed thinking of her recent birthday party. She could see it now as if it happened yesterday It was her and her sisters seventeenth birthday. They invited 21 different people and had a blast, but after the party was over only four guests remained Lori's friends Josh and Tiffany and Tina's friends Shannon and Spike
Although no one else knew it Lori secretly had a crush on Tina's friend Spike.Suddenly her mom thrust a ribbion into Tina's hand. The sisters looked at each other and smiled because the last time her mom did that it was there 16th birthday and it lead them to a new car. They caustiously followed the ribbon unable to stop smiling but instead of leading them to something great it lead them to a small metal box. Lori glanced at Tina and raised an eyebrow. "Do you think it's a trick?" whispered Tina, eyes narrowed. Lori shrugged, and bent foward to look at it closer. "How would I know?" She said. "Let's open it."Tina hestitated for a second, and then un-did the metal latch with a soft 'click' and raised the lid. "Papers!" exclaimed Lori, looking slightly flustered. "That's all that's inside? Paper?" "Look, smart one. What do the papers say?" Tina's eyes were sparkling with excitement ."Oh," said Lori, her eyes lighting up as well. Lori took a look at the papers and screamed "What?"Tina asked only to get another scream in repie and a pile of papers thrust into her stomach. After looking at the papers she joined Lori's screaming jamborie. Inside the metal box was six tickets to Hawaii. Two for them and then they could each invite two friends. After their friends saw the tickets and their parents had explained that they could each invite two friends they all had gleaming eyes and puffy lips. Tiffany, who was known to be a drama queen had an enormous smile on her face and leaped to the floor and began to pretend kiss Lori's feet. Surprised Lori shouted ,"alright already you guys know there's no one else we'd invite."
-AUTHORS- Nora O, Taylor C, and soon to be Rocky
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