hEy!! weLl.. sorry i Haven't upDated iN a wHiLe.. hmm wEll yeah noT much haVe haPpened in a while. i started soccer practice on monday though! yay! and the 3 ppl who i knoW on my team are Jordan, Annie, and Kayley. thIs yEar.. soccers gunna be sooo much fun! hehe
uhmm im going camping this weekend with my temple.. woO hoo!! out of my group its only gunna be me and amy going.. but its alrite we'll make the best of of it :]
oh yeah! i also took pictures...
yeah thats one of our poses.. we have another but ihaven't scanned it yet.
well ROTC summer camp is coming up soon... but too bad i cant go.. sorry guys! i really wanna but my mom wont let me cause we have this family reunion thingie going on.. and yeah.