So, since I'm not being all emo lately, I guess I will make fun of emo for a bit. The emo is spreading, please view this emo awareness news letter.
This is emo.
Wrestlers are starting to become emo.
We have an emo president!
Even the great Meatwad is emo.
The epidemic has hit our elderly.
They have their own cereal!
A video game!?!?!?!?!
They are trying to reach our young.
And it is working.
Oh god!
They're attacking Dungeons and Dragons now.
Emo blogs!
Cute and furry animals are now emo.
Beavis and Butthead even had an emo episode.
Even Final Fantasy 8!
Final Fantasy 7 suffers from sad emoness as well.
The great Chrono Trigger.
100 emo kids down.
The cause of all this emoness!
This has been paid for by the emo awareness organization. Please help spread emo awareness, save our youth, our elderly, and our animals.
Sorry, if I offended anyone but I couldn't help myself.
I'm going to get ready for class now,