Sep 13, 2013 14:53
From, today:
一次批小学语文卷,要求用:“有...有...还有...”造句,一学生是这样写的:昨天去姥姥家,姥姥给我拿个鸡腿,我都吃完了问姥姥还有吗,姥姥答:“有,有,还有”! #笑话#
One time, in an elementary school text, there was the assignment to use the "yǒu...yǒu...háiyǒu..." construction in a sentence. One student wrote this: Yesterday I went to my grandmother's house, and grandma gave me a chicken leg, when I had finished I asked grandma is there still more, grandma replied "yǒu, yǒu, háiyǒu" #funny#
The construction might be used to say something like, "this food is fragrant, tasty, and also good for you" (this food yǒu xiāng, yǒu hǎochī, háiyǒu jiànkāng), whereas the grandmother says, "yes, yes, I still have some," literally "have, have, still have"