May 09, 2011 20:54
As a creative writing lecturer, as for any kind of teacher, my job is to make myself redundant. At the beginning of the semester, I explained this to my students as aiming to put a Parrot of Criticism on their shoulder and a Shark of Dismay beneath their desk. The PoC would offer such remarks as 'You can do better than that for a metaphor', and 'that's not how you use a semi-colon, you moron', in my place. The SoD would feed on cliches, grammatical errors and mucked-up referencing, amongst other things. There were pictures to go with these Helpers of Learning.
I'm marking their end-of-year assignments, now, and both Parrot and Shark have appeared in the critical component of one of the three pieces I've marked so far. And not just in passing. It's my own fault, I suppose.
I'm going to look like such a professional in the eyes of the external examiner...